Lucky Dips, Skinny Tips, and Happy Sips!

RGI | Robo Global Investment
4 min readAug 1, 2023


Robo is the dog!

Happy Day RoboWarriors!

Why did the dip go to the party with the tips and sips?

Because it heard there were some “dip-slip” dancers, “tip-top” conversations, and “sip-sational” drinks!

A lot is going on in the crypto-verse, so let’s dive right in! Beautiful dips have been seen recently in the price action of the top cryptocurrencies, as well as our very fav meme, RBIF. Why is this beautiful? Well, would you rather buy high and sell low? If you have the tolerance, the current market is perfect for at least several different investing strategies: dollar-cost-averaging (DCA), value-averaging and buying the dip.

DeFi Safety Tips

After endless hours of searching the web (or at least an extended lunch break), we have the skinny on some timely safety tips for the DeFi user:

· Don’t talk to strangers or click strange links. — Mom… consider Mom’s advice and bring it into the digital realm (Mom-approved message)

· Make sure you have enough funds to cover gas fees. — Trust Wallet

· Follow communities that align with your interests. —

· Make sure you are interacting with only official social media sites. — RBIF

· Enable 2FA. — Chat GPT…do this! Make it a habit for all things digital.

· Never visit the website link of a randomly airdropped token. — 1inch

· Test with small amounts first when sending tokens. — Common knowledge

· Write your keys (seed phrase) down on paper. Never digitize your keys!

· Never share your keys with anyone! Well, maybe Fido, but nobody else.

· Don’t be the weak link in your security system. — Literally all over the web…while stats for this are hard to get, reducing human error is a huge factor in mitigating misfortune.

Ethereum turned 8 on July 30, 2023.

Hard to believe that the second largest crypto by market cap is only eight little years old. My, how time flies. Think about it, in a very short amount of time, crypto has caught the almost maniacal attention of the SEC. It is disrupting TradFi. The EU, the U.S., and most nations have been forced to pass new regulatory frameworks. All this with a total market cap of 1.16 trillion, with a daily trading volume of just under 24 billion. — CoinMarketCap

By way of comparison, The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organization that fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. Every 3 years they issue a report, the Triennial Survey. According to this, the daily trading volume in the Forex markets is 7.5 trillion.

There is no doubt as to the viability and scalability of this financial technology. And, we’re still early folks.

Vitalik Buterin (Eth co-founder), Changpeng Zhao (CZ) founder of Binance, and others

CZ didn’t buy early Eth!? Don’t be a CZ. Be a VY…and get in early on the next big thing! RBIF to Mars! RBIF is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.

Happy Hour

This past Sunday’s Happy Hour was chock full of great information. As usual, Ms Vy and John hosted and co-hosted. A long-term holder whose Twitter handle is RoboReplicant was the guest speaker.

RoboReplicant (Iggy) has been a holder since hour 8 of day 1 of the project's launch! Way to go Iggy! He shared how he found RBIF and why he began to invest in it. He stated the primary reasons for his continuance in the project were the team's competence and the trust he has in Ms Vy in particular. Iggy is the man behind the RoboDog art: you can see his work all over Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit. If you see that someone's profile pic is a RoboDog, you can be pretty certain that Iggy created that… feel free to grab one for yourself!

A young woman contemplates the future of DeFi tech with RBIF — courtesy of RoboReplicant

Ms Vy spoke about Community Spirit, the obstacles that have been overcome in the past, and the challenges to be faced in the future. She addressed the Certik audit which is nearing completion. Ms Vy spoke about how that Web3 is all about community, the need to grab the attention of younger investors, and a lot more. Give it a listen :)

A parting word about Community: The next Web, Web3, will be all about communities. Wanna be part of something larger?

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RGI | Robo Global Investment

Robo Inu Finance $RBIF is the fintech arm of Robo Global Investment